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10 Lovely Pics Of Husky Moms Playing With Their Babies


Dogs are better parents

It’s not easy for Husky moms playing with their babies. This requires a lot of energy, good health and patience because the games of the little ones get out of control from time to time. Do you think being a mother is an easy job? Yes exactly, it’s work. A mother has so much to do in order for her little ones to grow up healthy and safe.

The same situation happens for animal mothers. Under our focus today are husky mothers who entertain their little ones with games. They gotta keep all their kids fed, and teach them how to protect the house. Lol. They got to show them where to sleep, and what to chew.

The photos below show how this process works. Some mothers seem more tired leaving their little one playing with their body while others play with them.

Beautiful Pics Of Husky Moms Playing With Their Babies

#1 Show me the way my love.

Husky Moms Playing With Their Babies

#2 Have fun baby, mummy is a bit tired

Husky Moms Playing With Their Babies

#3 We are about to start a new game

Husky Moms Playing With Their Babies

#4 You are my favorite let’s start playing

Husky Moms Playing With Their Babies

#5 Having so much fun with my baby love

Husky Moms Playing With Their Babies

#6 Time to play and mess around

#7 I love you so much my little one

Dogs are better parents

#8 Mommy I love you, I’ll play with you gently

#9 Howling together is fun

Dogs are better parents

#10 Family moment

Dogs are better parents

10 Funny Huskies Who Love To Talk Back To Their Owners

10 Funny Huskies Who Love To Talk Back To Their Owners

It’s hard to criticize a husky

Huskies who love to talk back are the ones who will argue over everything. Huskies are so vocal it hurts sometimes. They have a lot of energy, while howling and talking is their preferred method of communication to you and other dogs.

Known for their independent personalities, huskies are beings who like to argue. Their families are well aware of the desire they have to talk because Huskies like communicative interaction. They are vocal with both family and other animals.

Talking Huskies

As far as I understand huskies are able to argue over any situation. Moral support is one of their most valued communicative skills. Such a thing is noticed in the relationships that huskies build with children. Every time you try to discuss a behavior of theirs, they will object. So be careful when you talk to this royal being.

We are curious to see the reactions of your dogs the moment you criticize them.

Huskies Who Love To Talk Back To Their Owners

#1 Don’t tell me what to do hooman.

Huskies Who Love To Talk Back

#2 Husky and his/her favorite human having a deep conversation about life

Huskies Who Love To Talk Back

#3 As long as I live here, I can do whatever I pleaseeeeee.

#4 It’s time to go out for a walk mom, do I always have to repeat myself? Gosh

Huskies Who Love To Talk Back

#5 I’m with my friend can’t you see? Don’t treat me like that in front of them

Huskies Who Love To Talk Back

#6 I don’t want to come inside, I like cold weather. You go inside human

talking dogs

#7 I’m very good at talking and howling, you want to try me because I’m so ready awwwwwww

talking dogs

#8 Nooooo meand NOOOOO. Just let us be and go

talking dogs

#9 I don’t think humans are capable to understand us. Just look at them the are so confused

talking dogs

#10 Shame on you for talking to her like that. Just say you are sorry and go please

talking dogs

12 Hilarious Husky Pictures Before And After Grooming


Husky pictures before and after grooming highlights their true beauty. If your dog is shedding, you’ll need to make grooming a daily ritual. Otherwise, twice a week is more than enough. A typical heavy shedding season can last from six to eight weeks.

Husky Pictures Before And After Grooming

When dog’s new coat comes through, shedding happens. By Husky owners and dog groomers it is called “blowing the coat.”

With that said, I have selected Husky pictures before and after grooming

#1 Beautiful with a brand new coat

Husky Pictures Before And After Grooming

#2 I look so cute

Husky Pictures Before And After Grooming

#3 Fresh and adorable

Husky Pictures Before And After Grooming

#4 No more dead fur

Husky Pictures Before And After Grooming

#5 All stylish and lovely

Dogs grooming

#6 I’m happy and clean

#7 Appearance is very important to feel good about yourself

#8 Look at me now, all fresh and new

Dogs grooming

#9 Huge difference, and I love him

Dogs grooming

#10 I feel so much better. New look New me

#11 Smiling as the transition is over

#12 Thank you for saving me mom. I’m grateful to have you in my life.

As seen in each photo above, huskies get a spectacular look when grooming. Their weight seems to be reduced, and their fur shines highlighting the difference between before and after shedding. Comment your opinion on dog fur maintenance, also send your husky photos before and after this process.

How To Take Care Of A Husky Puppy: A First-Time Owner’s Guide


6 Steps That Show How To Care For A Husky Puppy

Take care of a husky puppy by getting informed before adopting one, because it is the first right step. When you read you are able to make the right decisions about adoption. Accept the fact that rescuing animals from street or shelters is the most important step of your relationship.

adopt and train a husky

The right information guides you on the right breeds to suit your lifestyle. Have you just gotten your first Husky puppy? Are you confused and have no idea how to take care of your dog? Do not worry, we are here to help you.

How To Take Care Of A Husky Puppy: A First-Time Owner’s Guide

1- Visits to the Vet for vaccines and spay or neuter

After the animal is rescued, go immediately to the nearest veterinary clinic. Meanwhile, we are giving a presentation on vaccination and their content.

  • The first shot should be taken at the age of 6 weeks.
    Distemper / Parvo / Parainfluenza vaccine and a Kennel Cough vaccine.
  • The second vaccination is recommended to be injected in the 9th week.
    Distemper / Parvo / Parainfluenza vaccine and a Kennel Cough vaccine.
  • When your puppy is 3 months or 12 weeks old, the next vaccine is required.
    Distemper / Parvo / Vaccine parainfluenza, a Leptospirosis vaccine, and a Canine Influenza vaccine
  • The last vaccination should be given 15 to 16 weeks:
    Distemper / Parvo / Vaccine parainfluenza, Leptospirosis vaccine, Canine Influenza vaccine, and a Rabies vaccine.
Take Care Of A Husky Puppy

Sterilization process can be done in different months, because it is seen from different angles. By setting both points of view, it is possible to choose either of them, in order to put the priorities in order.

6 months of age is the most appropriate time for husky sterilization. But there is a second version, which says: If you want the man to create a bigger body, postpone their castration for later and do it after 12 to 18 months.

2- A high-quality diet

Like us, pets need a healthy food diet in order to be full of energy.
Having said that, you need to focus on two elements that a husky definitely needs. In order for your puppy to be healthy it needs proper nutrition. At the same time make sure your husky diet is supplemented with at least 22% protein.

The right amount of food a dog should eat

Keep in mind that eating a certain amount is helpful for your dog’s health. In other words, feeding your dog has a certain amount of food as a result of maintaining a healthy balance. Recommendations from the vet indicate that about 1 cup per 15 pounds a day is more than enough for your puppy.

Take Care Of A Husky Puppy

3- Potty training and Socialization

When you get a husky for the first time be sure to educate him. This is achieved by teaching him different commands so that he behaves well.

Some of these commands are:
Potty Training
Not to Chew on things
Simple sit and stay commands
How to walk on a leash.

There are two ways to potty train your dog: You can either crate train your Husky, or potty pad train your puppies. Crate training is the most common way, but people who live in apartments may prefer potty pad training as they do not have to go outside with their dog. Personally I prefer the crate training.

Take Care Of A Husky Puppy

4- Behavioral Training.

Socializing your husky pup during his first weeks is the best way to educate him. It is always best to start to socialize your Husky puppy early. This is the first step in caring for your husky personality. Start his socialization from the 8th week, also consider socialization classes. These classes also give the first basic command lessons like, sit, go potty, stay or walking without a leash.

This way your dog will make friends and get used to interacting with other dogs.
Exposing your husky to the world in his early age, will help him become more sociable. Noises and different environments are a contributing factor in this development.

Take Care Of A Husky Puppy

5- Watching for Signs of Illness.

To prevent various diseases it is necessary for your dog to get all the required vaccines. However, just applying them does not help your dog, you need to be careful of suspicious signs. Veterinary check-ups are mandatory because specific examinations show details on various concerns.

If you notice any of the following reactions go directly to the vet.

Not eating
Not gaining weight
Swollen and painful stomach
Diarrhea, with or without blood
Discharge from their nose
Trouble breathing
White gums
Red, swollen eyes, with or without discharge.

adopt and train a husky

6- Grooming your Husky.

Your Husky will shed a lot. One way to reduce their shedding is by brushing them daily. A husky has a “double-coat,” meaning that they have a thick undercoat and a topcoat.

adopt and train a husky


11 Effective And Simple Tips To Keep Your Husky From Running Away


Steps to follow so that your husky does not escape.

Tips to keep your husky from running away that will help you create a safe and loving relationship. Read on and discover how to keep your husky from running away. Our list consists of 11 ways to stop the dog from escaping.

#1 Escape-proof your place

Huskies will find every way to escape, so prepare yourself once you get such a dog.
If you have a garden you need to build a high fence (almost 2 m). This will prevent your dog from escaping. Huskies are not called escape artists for nothing.

Be mindful of securing every possible hole or gap in the ground, because the husky is a good ‘miner’ / Their digging ability is just as good as that of escape.

As DogsAndClogs said it “They’ll dig all the way to China if they could”.

With this detail in mind place chicken wire under the fence deeper than your dog can dig.

Tips To Keep Your Husky From Running

#2 Crate train your Husky

Your dog can train at any age, but it is undeniable that training at an early age is more effective. The younger a dog is when it starts training on commands the easier it is for both of you. One thing is for sure, the crate train will be your dog’s paradise. For every event he will go there immediately to feel safer.

Procedure to crate train your husky:

Place their cage in the place you have chosen. Make sure it is a quiet place so that your dog can feel comfortable. Take the puppy outside to perform personal needs, then give the command. Use command such: inside, sleep or good night so that the canine makes the direct connection between words and action.

In the meantime, learn to give treats in order to motivate him to train faster. Be patient, as your Husky is learning. Train them patiently and consistently.

Tips To Keep Your Husky From Running

#3 Distract your Husky with toys

Educate your husky with different toys thus avoiding his excessive behaviors. An auxiliary toy for such occasions is the jolly egg which moves constantly, keeping your puppy busy for minutes. A toy like this is ideal for dogs that have a high prey drive.

Tips To Keep Your Husky From Running

#4 Use a long leash when outside

If you are looking for a way to control your dog when you go for a walk, we have a practical solution. Use a long leash, thus allowing the dog to have his own space while controlling it. This is also a good investment when you’re training your dog recalls.

Tips To Keep Your Husky From Running

#5 Give your Husky lots of exercise

Avoid the escape of your husky by offering him proper training. By this I mean at least two hours of activity a day. The perfect combination is physical exercise and mental stimulation. Try to combine these exercises by alternating one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon.

Tips To Keep Your Husky From Running

I do not recommend the same activity every day, but alternate. Run together, climb hills or mountains, swim, walk, play with each other because husky is a race which has a lot of energy. This is also the reason why you have to combine many activities.

Tips To Keep Your Husky From Running

#6 Give your Husky what they want

Huskies are dogs who like to run in large areas. To accompany them properly it is recommended to go biking with your husky. It is difficult to accompany this breed on foot because the activity they require is high.

train your dog

#7 Give your Husky lots of attention

Huskies are dogs that require attention just as much as they require physical activity. Give them the importance they deserve in order to avoid their escape. As the old saying goes ‘Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar’.
Huskies need our attention most of the day. The attention they seek refers to activities, games and training.

train your dog

#8 Teach your Husky the front door training

Self-control is essential in dog training. It helps the dog not to be distracted by external factors.
Example provided by DogsAndClogs:

Step # 1: Stand by the door. Have your Husky sitting calmly and facing you.
Step # 2: Drop a treat to the floor. Before your Husky can get it, call their name. If they look at you, that’s the first success of the day. Let them have the treat.

Step # 3: With them sitting next to you, tell them to ‘stay.’ Then open the door a crack, even 2 inches wide, and close it immediately.

Step # 4: Repeat Step 3, gradually opening the door wider than the last time. Help your Husky keep their focus on you with your commands.

Step # 5: It’s time to level up. Throw a treat outside the door. Use commands and your hands to keep your Husky’s attention on you.

Do your best AND GOOD LUCK.

#9 Don’t let your Husky off leash

I return from time to time to the fact that training dogs at an early age is extremely effective. However, there are exceptional cases. Husky for example is a breed which is influenced by external factors. If while walking your canine sees a squirrel or rabbit know that he will run after them. To avoid such events do not remove the leash from your little one. They could easily take off and be gone in a seconds.

train your dog

#10 Keep on exploring

Find environments that provide safety opportunities for your dog. Consider areas that have some sort of enclosure in order to find your canine quickly and without worries. Spaces that can be used in this way are training fields, or fenced parks. As I said above do not do the same routine every day, because huskies get bored quickly. So keep exploring. Take them places. Introduce new activities or games.

train your dog

#11 Neuter or spray your Husky

I have made sure to sterilize every animal I have adopted as soon as possible. Their well-being and health are very important for the family. Sterilization plays one of the most important roles in a dog’s life. He avoids looking for a partner as well as the feeling of hot flashes in female dogs.

train your dog

Why do huskies escape from their families? Click here for more 9 Reasons why a husky runs away:


Do Huskies Come Back after Running Away

Do Huskies Come Back after Running Away

Why do huskies run away? Here is the answer:

Do Huskies Come Back after Running Away? To begin with, if your dog runs away, the situation you are in, offers 3 possibilities. First: he loses so it is impossible to find the way back. Second: your dog does not want to live with you, so he leaves with full consciousness. And third: If a husky follows the daily path, he will return home again.

There is no easy way to explain why a husky runs away from family. Other than that it is also difficult to say if that dog will come back.

Do Huskies Come Back after Running

We have given some simple and practical explanations but everything is relative. To the question: Do Huskies Come Back after Running Away we say: Maybe, No, Yes.
Evaluate your situation and find yourself in one of our answers.

These are the 3 logical reasons to the question, Do Huskies Come Back after Running Away:

#1 Firstly: huskies were born to run. (Maybe, will come back).

With this in mind let us consider the options. As a talented athlete, huskies seek to explore continuously. However, this can be fatal due to the fact that it is difficult to find the way back. Huskies love running but on the other hand have a pronounced lack of orientation.

If your dog ends up in an unfamiliar place he finds it impossible to find his way home. He also panics and loses his sense of location. A sad case, especially the idea that the puppy wanders alone and scared. To prevent such events please take precautions.

For example, microchipping your husky is a must, as well as the collar with your personal information.

Do Huskies Come Back after Running

#2 Secondly: Your husky does not like the conditions you offer at home, he is likely to leave never to return. (No, won’t came back).

In such a case, think carefully before taking a husky or a dog of any kind. As I mentioned above, read in order to be prepared for certain situations. Get informed before you get a dog starting from their most basic needs.

How do they like to live, what food does best for their body, what is the optimal time for activity, etc. Details that inform on how to live with a dog. On the contrary, here is what happens. He leaves because he does not feel happy.

Do Huskies Come Back after Running

#3 Third: He is likely to find his way home. (Yes, will come back home).

If your dog walks the same path you describe every day together, he will find home easily. Huskies have a wrong sense of direction if they are not on the same path. However, if they do the same way often, their memory is strong. This way they easily find the way back home.

Do Huskies Come Back after Running


9 Reasons Why Your Husky Runs Away


If you are a husky owner, I know you’ve been wondering why your husky runs away? Your question requires a logical explanation. It is normal to have an answer, this way you can avoid fatal situations such as the loss of your dog.

Huskies run away for several reasons. It might be because it’s in their genes, or they are curious. Their independent nature is the main factor indicating their love for running. Other factors are: fear, lack of activity and boredom.

Reasons Why Your Husky Runs Away

#1 Huskies were born to run.

From the beginning, Huskies have adapted to people working. They are known all over the world as sled dogs. Huskies were breed by Chukchi tribe to work as sled dogs. They have been pulling the sled since always, transporting dogs and people. Now days huskies are companion dogs, but their desire to run is still there.

Fun fact: If conditioned properly, Huskies can run 100 miles a day.

Why Your Husky Runs Away

#2 Huskies are independent thinkers.

As a free spirit in the time of the tribes, the Huskies were free to hunt during the summer period. This factor helped them to be independent and at the same time to have independent opinions. They love running in nature so if there is no physical activity they will jump off the fence to run free.

AKC aka (American Kennel Club) says:

‘Huskies are a very independent… breed that has been bred to think on their own out in the tundra’.

Why Your Husky Runs Away

#3 Huskies want to mate.

My baby girl is in the mating season, and her behavior is unbearable. The need for mating has caused her to completely change her behavior. While sexual desire ‘forces’ her to behave this way, I have to put up with every male dog that passes by.
She even ran away several times looking for mating partner, but thankfully I found her again.

Why Your Husky Runs Away

#4 Something distracts your Husky.

Back at the Chukchi people, Huskies worked all winter and food was provided by the tribe. However, during the summer months they left to lead a normal life. In short, they followed their instinct and hunted animals like squirrels. Apparently the hunting instinct is still in their veins.

Why Your Husky Runs Away

#5 Your Husky just wants to play.

While life gets boring and nothing entertains your husky, he is thinking about having some fun. Therefore he will try to escape in order to amuse himself.

Huskies are independent thinkers

#6 Your Husky is bored to death.

Caring for a husky should be organized and full of activities, so that he does not get bored.

Your dog’s boredom has serious consequences for him. High levels of boredom such as lack of toys, your company or other dogs have serious consequences. In other words, carefully monitor your husky’s behavior to avoid his aggressive behaviors.

Watch out for the symptoms of boredom:

Destroying things.

Huskies are independent thinkers

#7 Your Husky is scared.

Your dog may run away if frightened. Fear is a common factor in domestic dogs. Dog owners have expressed that their dogs are scared based on certain events. Particularly when exposed to fireworks, thunder and gunshots.
Signs of fear behavior are:
Seeking people.
Trembling / shaking.

Huskies are independent thinkers

#8 Huskies are curious

Like all dogs Huskies too are curious.

Their curiosity is present at every moment of the day. They seek to know the environment around them by smelling every inch they visit. If they are kept for a long time inside the fence of the house, their mind thinks how they will escape.

Huskies are independent thinkers

#9 Your Husky does not get enough exercise

Huskies belong to the group of dogs that need high physical activity. They were created to describe long distances for long periods of time without getting tired easily. Given that today huskies live in our homes, their activity has somewhat faded. So I suggest you get the right information before adopting a dog. Husky is a breed that requires an active owner in order for your lifestyle to match. In this way the physical activity to be present as many hours during the day for both of you.

Huskies are independent thinkers


Can Huskies Stay Outside in the Cold? Important Facts to Know

Can Huskies Stay Outside in the Cold

Huskies stay outside in the cold, indicating that their relationship to low temperatures is relatively good. Remember, that even though they are cold tolerant dogs, everything has its limits. Can any husky withstand low temperatures for a long time? We will talk about these factors below, giving you an overview of their relationship to cold weather.

While their fur protects them from low temperatures, start noticing when your dog is feeling cold. This way, you will be able to understand whether you should keep your canine inside.

Huskies Stay Outside in the Cold

Before going into specific details, I want to remind you of an important element related to this topic. Huskies are known about their high tolerance towards cold weather, which is not absolute. It is a situation which depends on several factors. They can withstand a cold that drops to -75 ° F (-59 ° C), but it is based on: how the dogs growth cycle, their age or even the condition of their fur.

Huskies Stay Outside in the Cold

Here is how to understand what I said: Huskies raised in cold places and engaged in sports (running, racing), withstand the cold pretty well. While huskies that have been growing with people in their homes, are more sensitive to low temperatures. That’s the difference. Consider the dog’s history before taking it for granted that he endures the cold.

With that said, here is how to understand if your husky is cold on not.

3 Main Signs That It Is Too Cold For Your Husky

-Shivering is one of the main indicators that your husky is cold.

Understand that at this point the canine needs to live in a warm place, in order to normalize his body temperature. When a dog sleeps in an environment exposed to natural factors like wind and rain it feels cold. On the other hand, if he lives in a proper environment he will feel much better.

Huskies Stay Outside in the Cold

-Anxiety or fear is the next indicator.

Refusal to go outside is a factor which shows that your husky is cold and the temperature is below what your dog can tolerate. Barking every time he looks you in the eye, also shows that he does not feel well so pay attention to such details.

-Ice in husky’s fur is a clear sign of low temperature.

When huskies fur doesn’t melt the ice, it means that their body is not producing enough heat to warm itself. In short, low temperature is higher than his body can handle.

These are some elements to keep in mind in order to act quickly and properly in similar situations.

Huskies Stay Outside in the Cold

How to keep your husky warm at low temperatures.

This is for owners who have decided to keep their dogs outdoor.

  • Provide a suitable shelter for your husky. It may be a dog house, a project built by you to comfort your doggo, etc.
  • Once you have built the shelter for your four-legged friend, do your best to insulate it properly. This way his environment will be warmer and suitable for withstanding the cold.
  • Lastly, remember the door. The door is the most important object because it protects dogs house from wind\rain. It will maintain the warmth inside, so that the dog feels at home.
Huskies Stay Outside in the Cold

Huskies in the Cold, was in terms of adult dogs.

It’s not the same for puppies. Their fur does not have the protective ability of adult dogs. Take care of your puppies and give them a lot of love and delicacy. It also helps them with self-confidence.

Huskies Stay Outside in the Cold

To sum up, I think dogs should all live in our beds and sofas. If for various reasons this is not possible, follow the step by step instructions above, to provide a warm environment for your husky. Be kind and love hard.


7 Ways To Keep Your Husky Calm During Fireworks


More pets end up in shelters during and after the 4th of July than any other time of year. Why? Because of fireworks, of course. Almost every type of dog is frightened of fireworks, and a physically strong and highly excitable breed like Huskies are able to get far, far away from whatever scares them!

You might be pretty far from any public fireworks – but even a display that happens miles away will sound much louder to your dog.

If you’ve got plans on Thursday night, you’re probably trying to decide if you should leave your dogs inside or outside of the house. There are issues with both of these options: if you leave your Husky outside, remember that they’re natural escape artists – they can scale a pretty high fence if they really want to. If you leave your dog inside? Imagining the damage a freaked out adult dog can cause in your pristine home is making us cringe right now!

Even if you stay home with them, your dog can still freak out and try to hit the road. So what can you do to keep your boy or gal calm and collected once the explosions start?

Here are 7 great ways to help you and your dog enjoy Independence Day without stress.

#1 Go For A Long Walk

Make time in your schedule to take your Husky for an extra long workout before the fireworks begin. Tired dogs are calmer, and might even sleep through everything!

#2 Keep Calm And Carry On!

Your Husky is a sensitive dog that reacts to your emotions. If you’re a little jumpy because of the noise, your dog will be too. Try to minimize your own reactions and your fur kid will be calmer too.

#3 Make More Noise

You can distract your dog if you make some noise that will drown out possible firework noises. Time for a party? Turn up your stereo or TV and keep your windows closed. The noise from a fan or aircon can help as well.

#4 Get The Thundershirt

Our friends at Chewy have a terrific product called the Thundershirt, which some pet owners swear by. The shirt provides gentle pressure on your dog that helps keep them calm. Cats can get their own shirts, too!

#5 Distract Your Dog

Socialize with your dog – get out those favorite toys and treats, play a game, or just have lots of extra cuddles and scratches.

#6 Do Some Drugs

Your vet can prescribe doggy tranquilizers that will help your fur kid to relax. DON’T give your dog any human medication. Some pet owners swear by CBD or organic hemp treats for a mild, natural tranquilizing effect.

#7 Be Prepared

Make sure your dog has ID tags on its collar with its name, your name, and your phone number clearly displayed. Get your dog microchipped if it doesn’t have one. Get your dog a license – if it runs off and is picked up by animal control, they can call to let you know they have your dog.

Enjoy a great holiday, and keep you and the family safe! via: naughtyhusky.com

10 Absolutely Lovely Pics Of Huskies Hugging Animals


Huskies hugging animals, a pure love brought to your screens with love from us. Even tho, Mom’s hug remains the classic of all time.

Above all, hugs are the most important act of love, they give you warmth and a sense of security. Two essential elements for someone who is going through a difficult day or feels hurt by various events in his life.

Each person offers us different emotions, but there are also animals that love in a divine way. Therefore, to be hugged by a husky means: to know true love. As a result, its owners are lucky and so are the animals living with this dog.

The photos below show how meaningful and honest it is to be hugged by a husky.

#1 Hugging your soulmate

Huskies Hugging Animals

#2 Best friends hug

Huskies Hugging Animals

#3 You can also hug your favorite toy

Huskies Hugging Animals

#4 When you give love to your neighbors because they need it

Huskies Hugging Animals

#5 Huskies hugging animals

Just became the parents of 10 lovely puppies.

Huskies hugging animals

#6 They can be hugged by other animals as well, they also need love

animal love

#7 True friendship right here, Love them

animal love

#8 Mama and her baby hugging and playing

animal love

#9 Madly in love

animal love
image source

#10 The baby is mine

animal love