Home HUSKY THINGS How To Take Care Of A Husky Puppy: A First-Time Owner’s Guide

How To Take Care Of A Husky Puppy: A First-Time Owner’s Guide


6 Steps That Show How To Care For A Husky Puppy

Take care of a husky puppy by getting informed before adopting one, because it is the first right step. When you read you are able to make the right decisions about adoption. Accept the fact that rescuing animals from street or shelters is the most important step of your relationship.

adopt and train a husky

The right information guides you on the right breeds to suit your lifestyle. Have you just gotten your first Husky puppy? Are you confused and have no idea how to take care of your dog? Do not worry, we are here to help you.

How To Take Care Of A Husky Puppy: A First-Time Owner’s Guide

1- Visits to the Vet for vaccines and spay or neuter

After the animal is rescued, go immediately to the nearest veterinary clinic. Meanwhile, we are giving a presentation on vaccination and their content.

  • The first shot should be taken at the age of 6 weeks.
    Distemper / Parvo / Parainfluenza vaccine and a Kennel Cough vaccine.
  • The second vaccination is recommended to be injected in the 9th week.
    Distemper / Parvo / Parainfluenza vaccine and a Kennel Cough vaccine.
  • When your puppy is 3 months or 12 weeks old, the next vaccine is required.
    Distemper / Parvo / Vaccine parainfluenza, a Leptospirosis vaccine, and a Canine Influenza vaccine
  • The last vaccination should be given 15 to 16 weeks:
    Distemper / Parvo / Vaccine parainfluenza, Leptospirosis vaccine, Canine Influenza vaccine, and a Rabies vaccine.
Take Care Of A Husky Puppy

Sterilization process can be done in different months, because it is seen from different angles. By setting both points of view, it is possible to choose either of them, in order to put the priorities in order.

6 months of age is the most appropriate time for husky sterilization. But there is a second version, which says: If you want the man to create a bigger body, postpone their castration for later and do it after 12 to 18 months.

2- A high-quality diet

Like us, pets need a healthy food diet in order to be full of energy.
Having said that, you need to focus on two elements that a husky definitely needs. In order for your puppy to be healthy it needs proper nutrition. At the same time make sure your husky diet is supplemented with at least 22% protein.

The right amount of food a dog should eat

Keep in mind that eating a certain amount is helpful for your dog’s health. In other words, feeding your dog has a certain amount of food as a result of maintaining a healthy balance. Recommendations from the vet indicate that about 1 cup per 15 pounds a day is more than enough for your puppy.

Take Care Of A Husky Puppy

3- Potty training and Socialization

When you get a husky for the first time be sure to educate him. This is achieved by teaching him different commands so that he behaves well.

Some of these commands are:
Potty Training
Not to Chew on things
Simple sit and stay commands
How to walk on a leash.

There are two ways to potty train your dog: You can either crate train your Husky, or potty pad train your puppies. Crate training is the most common way, but people who live in apartments may prefer potty pad training as they do not have to go outside with their dog. Personally I prefer the crate training.

Take Care Of A Husky Puppy

4- Behavioral Training.

Socializing your husky pup during his first weeks is the best way to educate him. It is always best to start to socialize your Husky puppy early. This is the first step in caring for your husky personality. Start his socialization from the 8th week, also consider socialization classes. These classes also give the first basic command lessons like, sit, go potty, stay or walking without a leash.

This way your dog will make friends and get used to interacting with other dogs.
Exposing your husky to the world in his early age, will help him become more sociable. Noises and different environments are a contributing factor in this development.

Take Care Of A Husky Puppy

5- Watching for Signs of Illness.

To prevent various diseases it is necessary for your dog to get all the required vaccines. However, just applying them does not help your dog, you need to be careful of suspicious signs. Veterinary check-ups are mandatory because specific examinations show details on various concerns.

If you notice any of the following reactions go directly to the vet.

Not eating
Not gaining weight
Swollen and painful stomach
Diarrhea, with or without blood
Discharge from their nose
Trouble breathing
White gums
Red, swollen eyes, with or without discharge.

adopt and train a husky

6- Grooming your Husky.

Your Husky will shed a lot. One way to reduce their shedding is by brushing them daily. A husky has a “double-coat,” meaning that they have a thick undercoat and a topcoat.

adopt and train a husky


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