#6 Neglecting daily exercise.
As I mention above daily exercise is essential for the good health of your dog. Never skip it but make it a daily part of your routine.

#7 Letting your dog outside without supervision.
Lack of supervision is the cause of a considerable number of accidents. Protect your dog from cars, wildlife or natural foods which can be poisonous.

#8 Not socializing him
Keeping him/her away from other dogs or people can lead him/her to depression. Every being needs companionship and happy moments in life.

#9 Neglecting your fur baby dental care.
Oral bacteria created by not brushing his teeth create various health problems. Your dog’s heart health is endangered by skipping checkups at the dentist.
#10 Not providing your dog with enough mental exercise.
Taking care of your dog’s mental health is just as important as your mental health. An expression says: A healthy mind in a healthy body. Explore and live life as it comes. Cheers to life.