Home HUSKY THINGS 12 Things That Huskies Do When They Are Trying To Tell You...

12 Things That Huskies Do When They Are Trying To Tell You Something


It’s very normal for dog owners to refer to themselves as pet’s parents, and there is a lot of sense and truth to do that. When dog owners do this, they’re telling the world that owning and taking care of a dog is as much difficult as having a kid.

But there is one more thing that dog owners have to deal with, it is the communication. You can own a dog, love him but communication can be a problem. On the contrary, while parents might be confused about whatever hip new phrase their kid keeps spouting, they have the luxury of otherwise speaking the same language.

That means that until someone finally creates a dog-to-human translator, you must learn how to interpret and understand your dog body language.

Having said that, here we will shoe you some common behaviors huskies will show to their owners and what can be its meaning.

#1 Continual eye contact.

We have to say that, this one depends too much on the way your dog is looking at you. However, if your dog has a normal face expression that could mean that your dog is just showing you affection. In fact, a group of Japanese researchers have found a link between this eye contact and increased levels of oxytocin, a hormone that affects how we express attachment and nurturing qualities.

Things That Huskies Do

#2 Raising a paw up

If you are with your dog and he is raising a paw up while focusing with her head down, i advise you to get out of his way. It means your dog is on the hunt and getting ready to pounce on some prey, usually a bird or other little animals.

Hi five dog

#3 Making himself look small.

Doing this by your dog basically means that he is just scared of something. However, if you meet a dog and see him doing this it means that he can be scared or the dog has been mistreated by his owner.

Husky sits on the table

#4 When your dog brings things to you.

When your dog brings things to you, it does not mean that he wants to play fetch or something like that. Even if he brings you a ball. When dogs bringing things to their owners means that they are just trying to help or give you things you might like or things they think you could use or be looking for.

Dog chewing tennis ball

#5 Chewing things

This one depends if the dog has been trained and if he’s shown signs of separation anxiety. If the dog has been trained not to chew things or furniture, it could mean that the dog is just bored and is trying to let that extra energy go. You can try giving the dog more exercise or going for a walk or run in the morning.

Things That Huskies Do

#6 Yawning

The first time you see a dog yawning you might think that he wants to sleep or is tired. However, dogs don’t just yawn when they’re tired. Yawning can also be a signal of stress or fear. An experiment has shown that if your dog is yawning a lot around someone unfamiliar or has not met before, that’s a sign that your dog is not quite ready to meet that person.

husky puppy yawning

#7 Relaxed yawning

There is one more confusing thing. Your dog can yawn even if he is with his owner. If this is the situation, they will often yawn when you do out of empathy. As a result, if you’re yawning and your dog starts doing the same too, that’s not a bad thing at all. Moreover, one more thing you should take care about. Sometimes you will be near other dogs that you do not own. If you’re not yawning and an unfamiliar dog is, you might have a problem.

Things That Huskies Do

#8 Your Husky sits on your feet

If your dog sits on your feet that could mean many things. One thing can be that if your dog has separation anxiety that could be a way that your dog is using to comfort himself being close to you. Sometimes dogs are possesive, that why your dog sits on your feet when hi is jealous and is trying to show you are his. In addition, maybe your dog sits on your feet just because he loves to be near to you.

Things That Huskies Do

#9 Wanting to sleep in your bed.

Sometimes your dog wants to sleep in your bed. This is more related with wanting to be with you than how nice your bed is. If you suffer from allergies, do not worry most vets don’t see any harm in it.

sleeping with huskies

#10 Tongue flicking

This could happen when the “dog’s tongue extends straight out of the mouth and retracts again immediately.” This is often a signal of discomfort, either with an unfamiliar person or unwanted contact that’s making the dog anxious. If you have a submissive dog, this can also be his way of trying to appease a more dominant presence.

Things That Huskies Do

#11 Your dog leaning on you

If your dog leans on you means that he is asking for attention and affection. Also is a way they feel safer.

Things That Huskies Do

#12 Staring at you when you leave the house.

Most of us feel guilty when we leave our dog like this. However, is a response we want because shows us that our dogs love us as much as we love them. If your dog stares at you in the morning because you have to go to your job, it is just a love expressions that mean that your dog will miss you and he will be waiting for you to come back later.

Things That Huskies Do

Now you have discovered new signs that will help you to understand your husky body language. Share if you like this article with your friends.

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