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10 Hilarious Photos Of Husky Enjoying The Party More Than You Do

Hilarious Photos Of Husky Enjoying The Party More Than You Do

Husky enjoying the party more than humans do, it’s a funny article which focuses on the fun side of writing about our favorite dogs. This material addresses the fact that if dogs were able to drink, this would be the results. Joyful moments that are treated through the prism of ‘If dogs would drink’, to make these quarantine holidays more enjoyable.

It has become fashionable for our animals to imitate our way of life. In many cases they are enjoying our company and at the same time trying to adapt to our current activity.

For example: If we are playing with family or friends, they will start playing as well. On the other hand, if we are singing they will accompany us making the second voices in the song, lol. All these elements are summed up in an extraordinary activity by our dogs.

Their intelligence is no longer in question. That is to say that the examples given prove that they are capable of reflecting, or understanding certain situations. There is no doubt that we are in sync with our puppies, but what happens when we decide to go to a party together? As you begin to engage with the party, your dog on the other hand has become its star.

Some examples to more clearly understand the idea I want to present to you, are illustrated in the photos below. Tell me: Do huskies know how to celebrate better than you or am I wrong?

Husky enjoying the party more than you do

#1 Drunk underage dog

Husky Enjoying The Party

#2 Drunk husky


Husky Enjoying The Party

#4 When you party hard

Husky Enjoying The Party

#5 Trying to act normal, when actually you are drunk

Husky Enjoying The Party


Funny Drunk huskies


Funny Drunk huskies


Funny Drunk huskies


#10 Me: I will party all night. Me 2 hours latter

Funny Drunk huskies

20 Most Funny Sled Pictures Of Huskies And People

20 Most Funny Sled Pictures Of Huskies And People

Funny Sled Pictures Of Huskies to start the day right. Accessible in several forms, entertainment is very important for any living thing. We and animals are the same. Therefore we need to experience happy emotions in order to develop a healthy life.

In this article the entertainment has been provided by photos taken at the right time. With that said let’s start the show.

Funny Sled Pictures Of Huskies

To sum up I invite you to enjoy these hilarious photos, and do not forget to comment your favorite number. 20 Funny Sled Pictures Of Huskies and People to brighten up your day.

#1 Stay focused amigo

Funny Sled Pictures Of Huskies

#2 It takes a long time to train these babies

Funny Sled Pictures Of Huskies

#3 It is in this pics lol

Funny Sled Pictures Of Huskies

#4 I need some time to relax people

Funny Sled Pictures Of Huskies

#5 Hide and seek

Funny Sled Pictures Of Huskies

#6 How heavy was it?

Funny Sled Pictures Of Huskies

#7 Thus is What it should be like

Funny Sled Pictures Of Huskies
image source

#8 It was all games and fun until now

Funny Sled Pictures Of Huskies

#9 OOh baby

Funny Sled Pictures Of Huskies

#10 No problem at all

Funny Sled Pictures Of Huskies

#11 Smart idea

lovely pics

#12 It’s not that much fun

lovely pics

#13 The perfect time

lovely pics

#14 So funny

lovely pics

#15 Look at this baby so proud of himself

people are crazy

#16 Smarter than his friends

people are crazy

#17 Hello lady, I hope you are safe

people are crazy

#18 This is smart

#19 It is indeed

people and dogs are crazy

#20 Upsss

people and dogs are crazy

12 Signs That Show Your Husky Is Fully In Charge

12 Signs That Show Your Husky Is Fully In Charge

Your husky is fully in charge because he is the favorite person in your family. He is a dog and belongs to the husky breed. Without realizing it he is running your family. All families have rules which are respected by every member of it, except their husky.

Once welcomed by the family and won the hearts of all, huskies understand how things work. They start breaking rules with the approval of their owners, because dogs are the apple of our eye.

And so they won the battle taking advantage of our generosity. Here are 12 reasons why I say this.

#1 Here’s a smart way to get more food. This kind of look

Your Husky Is Fully In Charge

#2 When they are ruining your personal belongings, you find it very enjoyable and ignore the action.

Your Husky Is Fully In Charge

#3 Your bed is all theirs

Your Husky Is Fully In Charge
image source

#4 They will eat dog food but only if you feed them

Your Husky Is Fully In Charge

#5 They will make the house a mess, without any regrets and will still be your favorite.

Your Husky Is Fully In Charge

#6 Pay full attention to them

#7 Even when they sleep on your lap, you stay still so they are comfortable

#8 Throwing the ball hundreds of times over and over again is a sign that they are in charge

Young Dog Husky Puppy Plays With Her Toy – Tennis Ball In Grass. Outdoor

#9 Your Husky dog also has a personal dining table at home

#10 Prohibited actions for humans, are not at all such for your dog. He can break the rules and still be a family favorite

#11 This dog is wonderful and deserves to be treated with the highest praise in every family

#12 Maybe his teeth are too sharp, but you still let him bite you because he is your favorite baby

15 Cute Pictures Of Huskies Waiting For Belly Rubs


This article brings 15 adorable pics of huskies waiting for belly rubs. There are moments when it seems as if your husky is bothered by the love you express. While there are moments when he definitely demands your attention.

If your dog is rolling around in bed, if he is playing games in your bed this is the moment. The moment when he demands your presence and wants you to rub his belly. Their greatest pleasure is related to the feeling that this action leads to their brain.

Rub the belly of your four-legged toddler because it makes them feel good and valued. These accompanying photos show the moment when your puppy is ready for this favor. Show your love by fulfilling their desire. I wish this moment to be as pleasant for you as it is for your husky.

Huskies Waiting For Belly Rubs.

#1 Thank you mom, this is so much fun

Huskies Waiting For Belly Rubs

#2 OHH i love my humans

Huskies Waiting For Belly Rubs

#3 You are so cute talented kido.

Huskies Waiting For Belly Rubs

#4 Yes. I too is husky, waiting for belly rub. LOL

Huskies Waiting For Belly Rubs

#5 I’m a tiny lovely puppy, and I love belly rubs

Huskies Waiting For Belly Rubs


dogs need love

#7 I’M thankful for my family

dogs need love

#8 No matter where we are, I need my share of love

dogs need love

#9 My time is now, I feel so blessed

dogs need love

#10 I will use mind control to get belly rubs

dogs need love

#11 Give it to my fuzziness

dogs are lovely

#12 Is very soft

dogs are lovely

#13 Enjoying her usual belly rub

dogs are lovely

#14 I am ready guys, can’t wait for my belly rub. It is so much fun

dogs are lovely

#15 I’M not sleeping, I’m waiting to be loved

dogs are lovely


11 Events That Can Be Predicted By Huskies And Other Dogs

Portrait of siberian Husky

Events That Can Be Predicted By Huskies. The ability of dogs to predict certain events is extraordinary. Have you ever seen dogs making strange reactions while there’s nothing wrong in your opinion? It has actually happened to all of us. There is no reason to be afraid, but the sensitivity of animals to different events or vibrations is at a higher level, compared to ours.

Animals relationship with nature is more natural than ours with it. For example, I have seen videos on the internet that show how dogs sense earthquakes. They start running before it happens trying to hide or go somewhere where they feel safe.

Such events are predictable by animals, dogs and mainly huskies.

Here are 11 Events That Can Be Predicted By Huskies

Be careful and listen to your dog if you are in a similar situation.

#1 Death:

The body releases certain chemicals that the dog senses and is able to understand what is happening.

Events That Can Be Predicted By Huskies

#2 Your return home:

Dogs have a high ability to smell, so they can determine your return home time.

Events That Can Be Predicted By Huskies

#3 When you leave

Your routine has trained your husky for the schedules of leaving home.

Events That Can Be Predicted By Huskies

#4 Fear:

Our body secretes adrenaline in moments of fear, a hormone easily sensitive to the smell of animals. It is not a myth that dogs smell fear.

Events That Can Be Predicted By Huskies

#5 Human emotions: Events That Can Be Predicted By Huskies

The more time your husky spends under your company, the easier it is for him to identify your emotions. Surely in difficult moments he approaches you giving you hugs or love to comfort you.

dogs predict events

#6 Epilepsy:

Some dogs including huskies are trained to understand when an epileptic seizure can occur. They meanwhile try to persuade the owner to consume the medication, or to seek help from family members.

dogs predict events

#7 Diseases:

Their distinctive sense of smell, as we said helps dogs understand if there is something wrong with our body. Many stories show that the dog sniffs in the specific area where a bad disease may be developing, mainly cancer or diabetes. So listen to your dog.

dogs predict events

#8 Pregnancy:

When a woman becomes pregnant the corresponding hormones are created and released. They are understood by your dog, who becomes your guardian angel.

dogs predict events

#9 The time of birth:

The female body also emits incomprehensible signals to humans as the moment of the baby’s birth approaches. The dog refuses to be separated from the owner a few days before the baby is born, trying to be protective.

dogs predict events

#10 Earthquakes:

Dogs, like other animals, are capable of predicting natural disasters before they occur. Before certain events dogs do a nervous behavior if they are indoors. If they are outdoors they go to safer areas.

dogs predict events
dogs predict events
image source

#11 Climate change:

Dogs can sense the production of metal which is realized during lightning sparks and collisions on the ground. For this reason they are frightened and seek to hide before the noise occurs.

dogs predict events

10 Overwhelming Moments Of Love Only A Husky Can Understand


Overwhelming Moments of love only a husky can understand are necessary for a happy relationship with your dog. In every family there is understanding when it comes to respecting each other’s personal lives.

Your dog is able to understand your emotional state. In fact they have an extraordinary ability to anticipate the bad energy or sadness that a person may carry within themselves. Their greatest desire is to entertain you and create a loving environment for you.

Depending on the situation, their behavior also varies. One thing is for sure, when you are upset they try to love you as much as possible by saying: “You are not alone, I am here for you”.

Here is our list of 10 Overwhelming Moments of love only a husky can understand. Feel grateful for your dog by keeping him as close to you as possible every day. Peace and love.

#1 He will allow you to kiss him as much as you need

Moments Of Love Only A Husky Can Understand

#2 You’ll start the day with this cute face

Moments Of Love Only A Husky Can Understand

#3 Experience moments of peace together

Experience moments of peace together

#4 Enjoy the day with your husky

Moments Of Love Only A Husky Can Understand

#5 Nature is the best place to be together

Moments Of Love Only A Husky Can Understand

#6 He is asking: How was your day mom? I missed you, I love

Dogs love us

#7 She is my love, i will protect her at all costs

dogs love us

#8 Let’s clear our mind human, Long walks are for our own good

dogs love us
image source

#9 I’m here to make you smile my loves

dogs love us

#10 I will sleep with you

dogs love us

10 Signs That Show Your Husky Is Obsessed With You


Dog lovers, your husky is obsessed with you. Once you established an honest relationship with your fur baby you’ll understand how strong your bond is.

Your games together will be shown at family events. One thing is for sure and I want to mention it. No matter what dog breed you choose to live with, they are all adorable and love you unconditionally. So do not hesitate but look for a dog that fits your lifestyle, and start your adventure.

Give your best for as long as you live together, while your dog does this every day of his life. It is very important to create an active and daily routine, as your fur baby needs physical exercises in order to be healthy. Above all we remind you to love your pets, as much as they love you.

In conclusion these photos perfectly show how your husky is obsessed with you.

#1 They will dance for you

dogs are our family

#2 Let’s walk

dogs are our family

#3 They love jumping

dogs are our family

#4 They are jealous

dogs are our family

#5 They live to make you happy

dogs are our family

#6 Siting on your knees, is their favorite thing to do

your husky is obsessed with you

#7 They will follow you everywhere

your husky is obsessed with you

#8 They are your babies

your husky is obsessed with you

#9 They will listen to you

your husky is obsessed with you
image source

#10 They love You

your husky is obsessed with you

This Rare, Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky Is One of the Most Beautiful Dogs on Instagram


Meet SeQuoi Tenk (or Quoi for short), the incredibly beautiful, chocolate-brown Siberian Husky. He could be mistaken for a wild wolf—with his piercing blue eyes and unusual coloring—but he’s 100% Siberian Husky. His wolf-like appearance suits his nomadic lifestyle, though. He’s currently traveling around the lower 48 of the United States with his mom, Nikki, as they search for a new home. Nikki documents their adventures on Instagram, where Quoi is captured exploring the stunning wilderness of the U.S. Unsurprisingly, he’s amassed more than 22,000 followers in just eight months.

SeQuoi Tenk might seem like an unusual name, but there is meaning behind it. “His first name SeQuoi, is after a sequoia tree,” Nikki tells My Modern Met. “They say a name can really shape a personality, and I wanted him to be big, tall, and strong like a sequoia tree is.” She continues, “Tenko is Japanese for ‘heavenly fox,’ and as much as I wanted him to be strong, I also wanted him to be sweet, which he totally is!”

Quoi is almost entirely brown, apart from an adorable white spot on his chest. All-brown huskies are extremely rare, so it’s no surprise that Quoi attracts plenty of attention. “Everywhere we go, people stop in their tracks wanting to pet him,” reveals Nikki. “I get asked at least three–five times by strangers ‘what is he?’ and when I say ‘Siberian Husky,’ no one ever believes me, but he is AKC certified and is 100% Siberian Husky.”

Nikki originally wanted to adopt an older dog, but because she doesn’t currently have a permanent home, she struggled to get approved by the animal sanctuary she was in contact with. “The puppy route was my only choice to get a dog,” she explains. “While he wasn’t the dog I was searching for, he was exactly the dog I needed. Full of attitude and goofiness.”

Check out some photos of gorgeous Quoi below, and find even more on Instagram.

Meet SeQuoi Tenk (or Quoi for short), the incredibly beautiful, chocolate-brown Siberian Husky.

Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky
Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky

He’s currently traveling the United States with his nomad mom, Nikki.

Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky

He looks just like a wild wolf…

Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky

…but he’s 100% Siberian Husky.

Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky
Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky
Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky
Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky
Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky
Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky
Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky
Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky
Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky
Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky
Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky

Here he is as a puppy. Too cute!

Chocolate Brown Siberian Husky

10 Different Ways Your Husky Is Secretly Saying ‘I Love You’


Your Husky Is Secretly Saying ‘I Love You’ and all you have to do is to love him back. While human-dog love story is one of the most beautiful romances of our time, there are behaviors of theirs that we do not understand properly.

The magic an animal brings to our lives is often indescribable. But if I were to try to explain it somehow, the only explanation that comes to mind is: fun and pure love. As life goes on at a fast pace, we forget to focus on the small pleasures of life. Your husky has different reactions to certain situations. What we are going to address today has to do with the way he is telling you I love you.

When love is given unconditionally, life becomes more beautiful. As a result of all this I think you should definitely surround your life with animals. Mainly with dogs and cats because they are two of the most common animals, at the same time the most adapted to our lives.

There is no more sincere feeling in the world than the love of animals. If you have this kind of love, keep it as close to you as possible for as long as you can. Here are 10 ways Your Husky Is Secretly Saying ‘I Love You’.

#1 They love to lean on you. They are so sweet

Your Husky Is Secretly Saying 'I Love You'

#2 Your husky loves cuddling with you

Your Husky Is Secretly Saying 'I Love You'

#3 Lifting their eyebrows

Your Husky Is Secretly Saying 'I Love You'

#4 They love all family members equally

Your Husky Is Secretly Saying 'I Love You'

#5 10 ways Your Husky Is Secretly Saying ‘I Love You’

Instant alertness when they see you

Your Husky Is Secretly Saying 'I Love You'

#6 Direct stare into your eyes.

your dog loves you

#7 Jumping at you when you get back home

your dog loves you

#8 They love sleeping in your bed

your dog loves you

#9 Calmly watching you leave

your dog loves you

#10 Your husky will yawn at the same you will

your dog loves you


Veterinarians Have Answered: Why Do Huskies Bark at Certain People And Not at Others?


As you may have realized, huskies are always on alert when someone new arrives on the scene. They usually perceive people they do not know immediately, however, sometimes they start to growl or bark at some, but not at others. This momentary bad temper could indicate aggression, a defensive attitude or simply some kind of anxiety. But, why do they have different reactions depending on the individual? Could they know something about them that you do not know? Few people can summarize the reactions of all dogs, and definitely, each case is unique, although we can see the way dogs perceive their world and, perhaps, get an idea about this interesting question.

Couple cute dogs howl
Veterinarians Have Answered: Why Do Huskies Bark at Certain People And Not at Others?

For them, each person emanates a different scent. In addition, they have a much more advanced sense of smell than that of humans; In fact, they are between 10,000 and 100,000 times better at it. Because of this huge difference, we have a hard time understanding the amount of information they must process when they receive the smell of another person. Surprisingly, trained dogs are able to distinguish between two identical twins from the same environment, even if they have the same diet. To make matters worse, you could know where they have been or with whom.

Siberian Husky Eye Colors: Different

For many reason, your husky might smell something in someone else that would make him growl, even though your human nose could never feel it. However, it does not have to be something worrying; I could notice something that, for him, is negatively associated, like another strange dog or someone’s fear. All of them are products of their own experiences, and since they can not tell us about practical practices, the only thing we can do is try to guess. Some individuals seem terrifying to certain dogs, since they use smell more than vision, although this also to a significant degree.

Surprised Face
Veterinarians Have Answered: Why Do Huskies Bark at Certain People And Not at Others?

Moreoever, they also make use of facial recognition to communicate with each other, and human beings can not do it in the same way as they do. Therefore, when your husky growls or barks at one person and not to another, he may be seeing a feature that reminds him of a past threat that he keeps in his memory. People differ in size, features and the way they move, and that can make your faithful friend remember some danger or something unfamiliar, feeling fearful and insecure. In fact, you will have seen that humans can be threatening to huskies and other dogs if they perform some unusual movement or noise, such as putting on a hat or opening an umbrella, for example.

Veterinarians Have Answered: Why Do Huskies Bark at Certain People And Not at Others?

There are some other reasons reasons why a particular husky might feel a certain aversion to someone in particular. If you have had your canine since he was a puppy, you will know how he has been socializing because you did it. However, if you adopted him when he was somewhat older, you may not have knowledge of what happened in his early years, may have been traumatized or abused and having generated distrust of people or a certain disdain for certain subjects or gender in particular.

Veterinarians Have Answered: Why Do Huskies Bark at Certain People And Not at Others?
Veterinarians Have Answered: Why Do Huskies Bark at Certain People And Not at Others?

Furthermore, huskies can be both territorial in their everyday space and protect their family humans, so they may react badly to anyone who seems to be invading their space or acting in a way that may be perceived as threatening to their owners. The behaviors that can trigger a protective reaction in your dog include a sudden hug or an enthusiastic greeting. They are also usually good judges of character, so if your husky does not like someone in particular constantly, for no apparent reason, you may need to exercise caution with that person. When your huskies are alarmed by someone all the time, they may have a compelling reason to react with that force.

siberian husky temperament and behavior
Veterinarians Have Answered: Why Do Huskies Bark at Certain People And Not at Others?

If you are sure that the person your husky barks has good intentions, try to teach him not to feel angry or protective with everything around him. You can have on hand a handful of the treats your husky likes the most so you know that you will get certain rewards if he behaves well. You can also try to train him with certain key commands so that he feels or reassures when there is someone new nearby, repeating the process until your husky knows what to do without really thinking about it. Then, if you see that it is fulfilled when someone is known, give him another reward so that he knows that he is doing well.

Train a Siberian Husky to lay down and roll over

You have to take into account that you should not doubt the character of people, in the first instance, just because your husky begins to feel uncomfortable in their presence. It is very likely that he only is smelling or perceiving something that he is not sure of, and you can always build trust through training and its rewards. However, as we have mentioned, pay close attention to the emphasis and prolongation that your husky puts on his aversion to a certain person, as many studies have determined these animals can really determine whether a person is trustworthy or not.
