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Husky Gives Adorable Kiss To Firefighter As Thanks For Rescuing Him


Curiosity killed the cat. An expression I grew up with and realized that it serves as an order to tell someone that they should not try to find out about something which does not concern them.
This expression describes people and animals who are more curious than they should be.

Dogs are known for their curios natures and the husky we are going to talk about today is no exception. Out of curiosity he managed to squeeze himself through an open window on his home’s upper level and out onto the rooftop.

Husky Gives Adorable Kiss

The dog was not disturbed by his reckless act, but his dear neighbors called the firefighters in order to help the husky.

“Wells Fire Department Captain Jeff Nawfel was able to save this beautiful dog who managed to get out onto his roof and got stuck”

Dog Gives Thank You Kiss to Firefighter Who Saved Him From Roof.

As soon as Jeff Nawfel, the captain of the fire department, arrived, he climbed to the roof to help the troublemaker. However, the dog was happy when he saw a friend joining his so interesting game.

Husky Gives Adorable Kiss

While Captain Nawfel was opening the window safely to transfer him back inside, Husky started playing refusing to enter the house.
Realizing the situation, the dog sat on the firefighter’s lap as a sign of gratitude.

The pup realized that Captain Jeff was there to save him and gave him a big kiss to thank him for his efforts!


Husky Makes a Friend in Passing Car


Huskies make friends easily, no matter where they are. Their ability to socialize with anyone, anywhere requires special care. Not everyone likes dogs, so you should not always allow them to approach people.

While researching on the net I found a fantastic video between two huskies. Stopped in their respective cars, at traffic lights, they exchange glances with each other for a few seconds. A very pleasant situation to watch.

Husky Makes a Friend
Husky Makes a Friend

Since their breed excels in energy and vocality, I had the impression that there would be energy between them. The energy was not lacking but it was a nice quiet vibration.

“The video is of my rescue Husky, Pisco, recognizing another husky through the window at a traffic light. They maintain intense eye contact and communicate with silly tongue-out, smiley faces.” said Pisco’s owner.


3 Reasons Huskies Howl & What to Do About It


Why do huskies howl?

Howling is a common trait within the Husky breed and it is used by most of them. Some dogs howl more than others, on the other hand some of them hardly howl at all. The situation is not the same for every husky however it is worth noting the fact that most of them do.

Researchers explain that this happens as a result of three main reasons. In this article we will talk about each reason, trying to answer your questions. Sometimes, howling may be due to anxiety, or is their way to express happiness. Other times, Huskies howl simply because they can.

The Siberian Husky is the wolf’s cousin in the animal world, as a result they share the same trait. They both howl a lot. Without further ado, here are 3 reasons why Huskies howl.

1- Howling is a method of communication. 

Just as human beings communicate in words, or sign language, Huskies communicate in howls. Over time, you will notice the howls your dog practices. At the same time you should study their body movements to create a complete panorama.

However puppies have an unbridled desire to howl all the time. Keep in mind that they have not yet formed their personality, consequently they do it because it’s part of their instincts. At 2-3 weeks of age, puppies are able to start making small grunt and whine sounds.

Huskies Howl

2- Howls can be heard over a long distance

In order to communicate with each other at considerable distances, when husky was still a wild animal, howling was necessary to communicate with the pack. As howl is a safer communication in wildlife than barking, wolves and their ancestors simultaneously perfected this sound. This was how the first dogs were protected from prey, thus ensuring the life of their community.

3- It’s an instinctual response to high-pitched sounds

Loud sounds like sirens, a baby crying or another high-pitched sound will immediately make a husky howl. Their response will come by howling instinctively. On the other hand in the past, their ancestors used howling to signal that they were lost.

Huskies Howl

What to Do About It

As for how to stop a husky from howling, I don’t think there is an exact answer to this behavior. All you can do is study the reason why your dog does this, as I mentioned above. These are natural instinctive behaviors that we can’t control as if they were changeable. With that said I advise you to just be more vigilant about your dog’s behavior. This way you will be able to understand their actions and reactions, without worrying.


How This Husky Reacts Whenever Someone Doesn’t Want To Pet Her


Husky reactions depend on the behavior of the surrounding components. Although this breed is known to be stubborn and in fact it is, they are also very sensitive.

For centuries our lives have been intertwined with extraordinary stories. Events that involve every kind of emotion making people sensitive to external factors. Studies over the years have shown that dogs are our favorite and in fact we fall in love with whatever material they are part of.

The magic of dogs is inevitable and we have no choice but to fall madly in love with them. Siberianderpskie’s well-known account has some fantastic videos which convey strong emotions. Sharing life with husky is a challenge that requires dedication and patience.

They convey so much energy in such a short time that we have to be attentive in order to observe every detail.

The story speaks to Husky’s reaction as a lady didn’t pet him.
Leia asked for her father’s attention, and he immediately hugged her indicating that he was there for her. As a result her emotional development is compacted so that she feels confident in herself. Although this case is an exception as Leia continues loving attention.

Husky reactions are unique and different from other dogs. See for yourself.

FYI this is * still * how she reacts whenever someone doesn’t want to pet her: quote under the video.
While Leia lives for attention, we enjoy the material giving her all the attention she needs. Up to this moment the spoiled dog has managed to provide 58.5 K views.

Give your comments below.


Husky Loves His Bathtub So Much That The Request To Leave It Prompts A Pretty Scary Stare

Husky Loves His Bathtub So Much That The Request To Leave It Prompts A Pretty Scary Stare

Sig the husky loves his bathtub so much that the request to leave it prompts a pretty scary death stare. In general, dogs do not like bathtubs therefore they don’t like baths. However Sig is one of the rare cases, as his mother tells, he will be relaxing in the bathtub or swimming in their pool. Lucky him.

TikTok is the most followed media at the moment anywhere on planet earth. The attention it has received from its users emphasizes this fact even more. Entertaining, informative, educational videos already have a new source on the net and it is called TikTok.

Recently, as in any other network, the focus has shifted to the reactions of dogs in everyday situations. I am not surprised by the attention that canines receive, on the contrary I understand that these creatures are irresistible.

Their reactions manage to win over people all over the world. We love dogs because their behavior openly shows the sincerity that characterizes them.
Sig a husky who loves the bath insisting on staying longer, is the protagonist of this video. On the other hand, his mother Anna Carol Williams could not resist publishing his overly cheerful reaction. The reactions were immediate and flooded reaching 25.2 million views in a short time.

“Watch the death stare i get when I tell him to get out of the tube” writes William on the published video. Sig meanwhile gives angry glances refusing to get out of the tub. Further she writes: The dog owners who get it, get it.

Since I have been a husky mom myself for 10 years, I understand this behavior quite well. Huskies are stubborn and there is no solution for this, except to accept and love them unconditionally.

The support of husky lovers is seen in every comment. Some of the most interesting comments were:
“He like curled up like you couldn’t see him.” “
“Geez I have to bribe my dog for a bath and then she hates me the rest of the day.”
“Huskies have to be the BEST at showing emotions.” totally agree with this one.
“I love these drama pooches. don’t want one, but I love how dramatic they are for their parents.” and so on…


10 Proofs That Huskies Are The Most Restless Dogs In The World


Every dog breed has its own characteristics, but did you know that Huskies Are The Most Restless Dogs? Originally from cold Siberia, they have triumphed throughout history. With a rare beauty and a cold-resistant fur, huskies come in a variety of colors in both fur and eye color. As a result of changing temperatures around the world, they have adapted to any environment. Although huskies prefer cold places compared to warm ones.

Dogs are man’s best friend. As the earth revolves around the sun, our lives experience different emotions. Fortunately there is a solution. I think the universe created dogs in order for man to know absolute peace and love.

For example, this article focuses on the original behavior of a husky. Energetic stubborn and with a beautiful mind, huskies act in an original way causing a lot of laughter. The pictures below speak louder than words. I invite you to see for yourself. If your dog is also in the mood, hug him and feel grateful. This shows that your days never get boring.

Expect everything from a husky. As Cesar Millan said: Huskies get in trouble. Huskies are well-known to be escape artists. Why? Because they were bred to go long-distance. They’re not bred to be in the backyard and just look beautiful because they have blue eyes.

Huskies Are The Most Restless Dogs


Huskies Are The Most Restless Dogs


Huskies Are The Most Restless Dogs


Huskies Are The Most Restless Dogs


Huskies Are The Most Restless Dogs


Huskies Are The Most Restless Dogs







Happy Tears. Woman Reunites With Her Husky After Two Years

Happy Tears. Woman Reunites With Her Husky After Two Years

The more I know people the more I love my dog

Woman Reunites With Her Husky

This is the thrilling story where a woman reunites with her husky, two years after he lost. The two lived in boredom away from each other for a relatively long time. Life is unpredictable so I always call on you to love unconditionally your loved ones and your pets. It is impossible to live without love.

The story is about Cameroon Mares and her beloved dog Semper. They meet in 2013. Back then, the adorable Husky was just a puppy and Cameroon was looking for a companion more than ever as she was fighting with severe form of cancer.

Semper Fidelis her dog’s names means (always faithful) as he was in fact with his owner. He is very loyal and he loves her, as much as she loves him.

Kameroun had to travel to California to continue her treatment, and she left her dog with her roommate. But it is difficult to take care of a foreign dog, especially a husky. They refuse to cooperate with other people, the main reason why so many huskies get lost from their families.

Woman Reunites With Her Husky

Devastated by the loss of her beloved puppy to her only companion, she continues to search for him. In every corner of the city she distributed brochures giving information about the dog. Further, she searches every animal hospital and every shelter California, in order to have any new information.

So she went to the humane society in May 2017 and they checked online … That is when she discovered that a year earlier, on April 11, 2016, a woman added her name to Semper’s chip. The company that microchipped Semper the second time, never checked if he had a chip or a previous owner. That’s why he had never showed up.

Woman Reunites With Her Husky

Despite everything, happiness knocked on Cameroon’s door two and a half years later. She and Semper had a very exciting meeting which was characterized by tears of joy and lots of hugs. Cameroon said: I see him as an extension of myself and my heart. I am glad I have him back in my arms!

I hope this story inspires you and teaches you never to give up.



10 Husky Training Tips You Should Know


There is an infinite amount of information on husky training tips and how to cope with this stubborn breed. It is difficult to care for a dog that takes a long time to train or obey.

Although the pleasure of owning such a dog is great, so is the responsibility they seek. As a husky owner for years, I’m interested in finding new training methods. Every piece of information should be put into practice because in this way learning becomes easier.

Based on my personal experience also on some reliable sources I came to a conclusion. Husky is a breed that requires patience to train. Anything is possible, just be positive and determined to achieve it.

Get to work as soon as possible and take your puppy seriously. Be serious in terms of training, nutrition and medical care.

10 Husky Training Tips You Should Know

Firstly, every animal should be trained from an early age. The younger the dog the easier the training and learning. Secondly, there are three main elements on How to Train a Husky

  • Potty training.
  • Puppy training.
  • Obedience training.

Set goals because they help you achieve results quick.

#1 Love

Love is the most important element in any emotional relationship. No exception in this case. Love your husky and make him a priority.

educate your dog

#2 Time.

Exercise your husky for a set amount of time each day. Schedule is important for his stubborn temperament.

educate your dog

#3 Have Compassion for Your Husky Puppy

Do not be harsh with your little one. Everything takes its time to develop properly. Be patient because you will achieve the goal.

educate your dog

#4 Understanding
Understand that the husky is a dog who likes to behave in an unusual way. He digs the garden, runs endlessly, does not listen and so on.

educate your dog

#5 Positive Reinforcement

Husky Training Tips

#6 Entertainment

Training your dog is important but he also needs to have fun. Provide different games in order to play together

Husky Training Tips

#7 Exercise

Exercise is the aspect where you need to invest more in relation to your husky. Walking and hiking are good sports but this dog needs a mix of activities. Include activities like: Bikejoring, Swimming, Running, Agility Courses, Disc Catching and many more

Husky Training Tips

#8 Husky dog food

Take care of your dog’s nutrition. The best way for him to think properly is to feed him healthily. The quantity and schedule of food should be implemented regularly

Husky Training Tips

#9 Grooming

Husky is a breed which requires special care for the fur. With a double coat, Huskies need constant combing during the fall season of their fur. Every day during the season and twice a week throughout the year

Husky Training Tips

#10 Medical

Vaccines are mandatory. Visits to the vet are recommended every 6 months. Controls prevent any allergies and possible diseases.

Husky Training Tips

15 Best Reasons To Own A Siberian Husky


Huskies are a very special breed of dog

What are some of the best reasons to own a Siberian husky? If you are looking for more detailed information, you are at the right place.

Before adopting a dog you probably have some criteria in mind. It is precisely these details that make the difference between the races. In other words, dog breeds differ from each other. Differences that are evident in body size, behavior, or the energy that characterizes them.

Each of us, however, has personal preferences when it comes to the animals we want to adopt. Maybe we are looking for an adult dog, on the other hand someone is looking for a puppy. While I love furry dogs, others may have allergies and are looking for a dog that fits their needs. And so on our list of preferences continues.

What is more important is to adapt the dog breed based on our personal needs. For example, we must take into account the space where we live, the physical activity we perform or the work schedule. The way we live shows what dog we should get.

An extraordinary dog to adopt is the Siberian Husky. There are a few rules to follow before you become his parent. Siberian husky is not for the Beginner Owner, you need to have plenty of space both inside and out.

Husky needs a lot of attention, care, love, physical activity and good food. These and some other elements should be kept in mind before adoption. But one thing is for sure: You Won’t Want Another Dog After a Husky

With that said, here are the reasons to own a Siberian husky

#1 They are escape artists (which means there will be at least one artist in your family) LOL

Reasons To Own A Siberian Husky

#2 Siberian Husky Is Great With Children

Reasons To Own A Siberian Husky

#3 Husky Is Very Affectionate

Reasons To Own A Siberian Husky

#4 Huskies are Very Playful

Reasons To Own A Siberian Husky

#5 You Can Join Sled Races ( they will love it)

Reasons To Own A Siberian Husky

#6 They Love the Snow More than Children (even though we said they love children, when it comes to snow they can’t compromise)

Reasons To Own A Siberian Husky

#7 You Will Want To Watch Them All The Time

Reasons To Own A Siberian Husky

#8 The Siberian Husky loves to dig (use it in your favor, plant flowers and vegetables)

Huskies are awesome

#9 Huskies have Amazing Eyes (they come in different colors)

Huskies are awesome

#10 Feeding time for the Husky isn’t as high on the agenda as most other breeds of dog

Huskies are awesome

#11 The Husky doesn’t mind water (they and are great swimmers)

Huskies are awesome

#12 Huskies can be trained (the younger is the puppy, the easier the training)

Huskies are awesome

#13 They are Intelligent dogs

Huskies are awesome

#14 They Are Not Aggressive (the reason why we can’t use them as guard dogs)

Huskies are awesome

#15 Siberian Husky will reduce your stress level (because they are jerks)

Huskies are awesome


15 Times These Husky Couples Redefined #RelationshipGoals


Love is the answer

Husky Couples Redefined #RelationshipGoals, the most beautiful feeling in the world. Everyone who has experienced it has been able to experience the diversity of emotions it has.

Love has two sides. Blind love, which is filled with ardent feelings, love and a lot of understanding. There is also a dark side in love. In this side we know anger, jealousy and insecurity. The whole component gathered together creates the great vortex of true love.

Meet the most positive side of love through 17 husky couples. A summary that highlights the fabulous love that exists on earth.

#1 Congratulations to the new couple

Husky Couples Redefined #RelationshipGoals

#2 I’ve got your back honey

Husky Couples Redefined #RelationshipGoals

#3 She can’t take her hands of me

Husky Couples Redefined #RelationshipGoals

#4 Holiday season with the love of my life

Husky Couples Redefined #RelationshipGoals

#5 She is my honey bunny

Husky Couples Redefined #RelationshipGoals

#6 Sending love your way my friends.

Husky Couples Redefined #RelationshipGoals

Husky Couples Redefined #RelationshipGoals

#7 Happiness is all we need

love through 17 husky couples

#8 Honeymoon with my bee

love through 17 husky couples

#9 Monday morning with my hubby

love through 17 husky couples

#10 Make up and girls are my favorites

love through 17 husky couples

#11 You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

love through 17 husky couples

#12 Teenage Dream Love

love through 17 husky couples

#13 If you mess with us, you mess with our community

love through 17 husky couples

#14 Afternoon walk with this love of mine

love through 17 husky couples

#15 Ohh you stop it baby, I love you too

#16 My lady is my priority

love through 17 husky couples

#17 We love each other

love through 17 husky couples
