Home HUSKY THINGS 9 Awesome Facts About Siberian Huskies

9 Awesome Facts About Siberian Huskies


Dogs from the north, Siberian Huskies are one of the most beautiful dog breeds. Siberian Huskies are very loved breed around the world. Here are 9 awesome facts about Siberian huskies makes them to look more interesting.

#1- Siberian Husky aren’t wolves!! They originate from Siberia and belong to the Spitz genetic family, which for the last 5000 years have not been influenced by wolves.

Facts about Huskies

#2- The last Siberian Husky was exported from Siberia in the 1930’s when the borders were closed by the soviet government, but the breed continued to thrive in North America

Awesome Facts about Huskies

#3- Siberian Huskies are on average 20 to 24 ” tall and weigh 45 to 60lbs.

Awesome facts about Siberian huskies
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#4- Siberian Huskies love howling and have their own unique way of “talking”

Husky Howling

#5- Husky Grooming. Huskies have a LOT of hair which means they have a LOT of grooming needs.

Husky grooming season

#6- Siberian Husky eyes are light blue, dark blue, amber, green, or brown. In some dogs, one eye may be brown and the other blue or one or both eyes may be “parti-colored,”.

Husky eye colors

#7- They come in a variety of colors including black and white, brown, grey and white, sable, agouti, white and other variations.

husky coat colors - Siberian Husky Colors

#8- Huskies are the 14th most popular dog breed in America.

Awesome facts about husky

#9- The average lifespan of a Siberian Husky is 12 to 14 years.

Husky FactsImage Source: Imgur

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