Home HUSKY THINGS 10 Sled Dog Breeds

10 Sled Dog Breeds


Seppala Siberian Sleddog

While the Seppala used to be the same breed as the Siberian Husky today, it is considered a separate breed differing in appearance. Seppalas are the working lines and the Siberian Huskies are the show lines. Their legs and body are longer and they are generally lighter in weight and build than the show dogs. The ears are taller than those in the show lines, set closer together and are very erect. The stop is less defined than that in the show lines. The tail is naturally held high in a sickle curve over the back when alert. The coat is medium in length and dense with an undercoat nearly as long as their outer coat. Coat colors vary and are not considered important in the breed. Some common coat colors include pure white, buff, buff and white, black, charcoal gray, gray, brownish gray, blue-gray and sable (reds with black-tipped guard hairs and black noses). Piebald spotting and agouti (wild type) coloration are common.




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