Home HUSKY THINGS This Family Thought they lost their 13 old Husky But what happens...

This Family Thought they lost their 13 old Husky But what happens was Amazing


Pets are part of our lives and we have to do everything to save them, every one should do. This old Siberian Husky named Sylvie was in a big trouble when she fell through the ice on a frozen lake. The Family call for help and a heroic firefighter was there to whatever to save her life. He pull the Husky out of the lake and get her safely to her family.

She was panicked and freezing, the older dog wouldn’t last long in the freezing waters.

Sean P. Coyle, a member of the Boston fire department, donned a safety suit and hurried out to rescue her.

At one point, even Sean fell in the water during the rescue.

Dog rescued out of frozen lake

But, he didn’t stop until she was saved.

Dog rescued out of frozen lake

Source: DogBuzzFeed

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