Home HUSKY THINGS Dad Plays Guitar And Sings, And Kovu The Husky Joins In

Dad Plays Guitar And Sings, And Kovu The Husky Joins In


Kovu is definitely like most other Huskies — loving, sassy, and extremely vocal! His dad, Tate Hegstrom, is a healthcare worker and decided to play and sing a song to help cheer people up during this troubling time. Knowing how his dog likes to sing along on these performances, he figured it’d be the perfect opportunity.

Tate grabbed the guitar and started singing his rendition of “Lean On Me,” and as expected, it wasn’t long before Kovu joined in. The dog always does his best to chime in with some harmony!

“During a time when being physically together as a community is difficult, people resort to finding community online,” Tate told The Dodo. “I think during this time, a video with a cute puppy who can sing a song with an uplifting message is something people needed, and it’s given people a smile.”

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