Home LATEST STORIES Dog Has The Sweetest Reaction After Accidentally Ripping His Favorite Pillow

Dog Has The Sweetest Reaction After Accidentally Ripping His Favorite Pillow

Dog Has The Sweetest Reaction After Accidentally Ripping His Favorite Pillow

Draco the pit bull did not have an easy start to life, but one thing has brought the dog comfort through good times and bad: a heart-shaped pillow with arms.

Anywhere the young pit bull goes, the funny-looking pillow is not far behind. “If anyone else picks up his pillow he will dart over and grab it,” Allie O’Cain, Draco’s mom, told The Dodo. “He sucks it every single day to fall asleep.”

Recently, however, it looked as if the  was destined for the trash bin — something Draco absolutely could not allow.

Draco has treated his pillow with care ever since O’Cain rescued the orphaned puppy from a backyard breeder at just 2 weeks old.

“Draco is a crazy chewer and we have become a ‘rubber toy only’ house because anything with stuffing he will destroy in less than five minutes,” O’Cain said. “But he has been so gentle and.

But when Draco’s friend, a black Lab named Willow, wanted to share the pillow, he got a little too overprotective. He rushed over to take back and, in the process, the pillow ripped. As stuffing began to bleed out, it seemed as if the worst had come to pass.

Luckily, Draco’s grandmother saw what was happening and leaped into action.

“We think [the pillow] was so worn out it just easily ripped,” O’Cain said. “My mom freaked out and grabbed it and yelled, ‘I’ll fix it, Draco!’”

Draco’s grandmother took the pillow to her sewing machine and began the “surgery.” But Draco couldn’t just stand idly by while his true love was being operated on.

“The whole entire time Draco’s head and paws were peeked over,” O’Cain said. “He was whining and trying to reach it with his mouth.”

“He acted as if his wife was in surgery,” O’Cain wrote on

As soon as the pillow was mended, Draco rushed to cuddle his favorite toy, clearly relieved that it was whole once again.

O’Cain and her mom will continue to repair the pillow until Draco outgrows his childhood plaything — if that day ever does come. But knowing Draco, that seems doubtful.

“Bullies are the exact opposite of what people think,” O’Cain said. “They stay babies forever!”

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