Home HUSKY THINGS 10 Things Only Husky Owner Would Understand

10 Things Only Husky Owner Would Understand


#1- Educating people about the difference between your dog and a wolf. No sir, I am not walking a wolf.

Wolf and Husky

#2- Having the best guard dog ever. (Except not really because they’re actually very sweet!)

Husky dogs need much worth than other. They have a long life

#3- Fur, fur, and more fur—will it ever end?

How to Minimize Shedding in Siberian Huskies 4

#4-  No fence or crate is tall enough. Siberian Huskies are the Houdinis of the dog world.

Image CreditSiberian Huskies are the Houdinis of the dog world.

#5- No need for the radio when you are constantly being serenaded. “AWOOOOO!”

Husky Puppy Learning to howl

#6- Knowing that unless you work really hard to train them properly, when you “walk the dog” it really means you will be walked by the dog.

Credit: Instagram/@kodahkariKnowing that unless you work really hard to train them properly, when you “walk the dog” it really means you will be walked by the dog.

#7- You’ve accepted that you will never have a beautifully landscaped garden. Having a lawn that resembles the moon filled with holes better be your style.

Image SourceHusky puppy enjoy the snow

#8- You can define “Zoomies.” (This is an act whereby your dog runs around the house like crazy, jumping on the couch, running up and down the stairs and all over the house. Over. And Over. And Over.)

#9- The weird and wonderful sleeping positions. Legs up and on their backs is the comfiest.

Husky make a bad face under he is sleeping

#10- Thinking of leaving out your Jimmy Choos or Manolo Blahniks? No shoe is safe when a Sibe is around!

Image SourceHusky Alone Home

Read original Article at Woofipedia.

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