Home HUSKY THINGS 15 Golden Rules For Life As Told by Husky Dogs

15 Golden Rules For Life As Told by Husky Dogs


Golden Rules For Life! The free-spirited Siberian Husky is a super-charismatic dog breed. They’re usually very playful, athletic, agile, and good-natured towards everyone. Those who own this lovely dog will assure you that a husky is definitely the right choice for you — if you’ve always wanted to have a dog that regularly escapes from your yard in search of adventure, bounces and jumps, romps and plays all day long.

But above all else, huskies are hands-down the most loyal and smart dogs you’ll ever encounter. They see pulling sleds — and thus serving people — as their life’s purpose. Read on to learn some unique pearls of wisdom from these truly adorable creatures.

15 golden rules for life as told by husky dogs

1. Be spontaneous and always play hard to get

Husky golden rules

2. If you want to get a yummy treat, go with the Batman eye contact

Golden Rules For Life As Told by Husky Dogs

3. Never hide your real emotions

Golden Rules For Life As Told by Husky Dogs
Golden Rules For Life As Told by Husky Dogs

4. Stay focused and alert

Golden Rules For Life As Told by Husky Dogs

5. Remember: charisma is your second name

Husky with glasses

6. Huskies never panic. There’s always a way out

Crazy Husky

7. Your gorgeous nose is the first thing your owner should see in the morning

Husky face

8. Never ditch a friend who needs you after a long run

Golden Rules For Life As Told by Husky Dogs

9. Always make yourself comfortable

funny husky getting comfortable in weird position

10. Take your rewards

Funny husky pulling the sled

11. Never skip fun water games

Golden Rules For Life As Told by Husky Dogs

12. Act like you own the place

Golden Rules For Life As Told by Husky Dogs

13. Never listen to naysayers

Golden Rules For Life As Told by Husky Dogs

14. Stay away from bullies

 Golden Rules For Life As Told by Husky Dogs

15. Dance like nobody’s watching

Golden Rules For Life As Told by Husky Dogs
Source: BrightSide
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