Home HUSKY THINGS 15 Strict Rules That Huskies Have Established For Humans to Follow

15 Strict Rules That Huskies Have Established For Humans to Follow


You know that your husky basically owns you, right? Here we have listed 15 Strict Rules That Huskies Have Established For Humans to Follow.

Wake up in an orderly fashion every day to fill my empty bowl. I will serve as your alarm clock and reminder if you fail to do so.

Strict Rules That Huskies Have Established For Humans to Follow

Bathroom time is always together time.

Strict Rules That Huskies Have Established For Humans to Follow

You have to give me a nibble of every piece of food you eat…unless it’s a vegetable. You can keep those.

Strict Rules That Huskies Have Established For Humans to Follow

Don’t come home smelling of other dogs. I will be checking your collar for slobber stains.

Strict Rules That Huskies Have Established For Humans to Follow

Let me inside or outside of the house at my request, no matter how many times I’ve asked already. I would do the same for you if I had opposable thumbs and you didn’t, okay?

Strict Rules That Huskies Have Established For Humans to Follow

I can sleep anywhere I wish, whether it be my bed, your bed, or in your clean basket of laundry.

Strict Rules That Huskies Have Established For Humans to Follow

Please appreciate when I alert you of noises I hear outside. I’ve saved your life hundreds of times already.

Husky Howling

If it lands on the floor, it’s mine.

Strict Rules That Huskies Have Established For Humans to Follow

Take me on one visit per day to see the magical creature named Squirrel and his buddy, Raccoon.

husky loves squirrel

Cuddle with me at least five times a day. While doing it you must tell me how cute and soft I am.

Strict Rules That Huskies Have Established For Humans to Follow

I get shotgun every time, regardless of whether I remember to call it or not.

Strict Rules That Huskies Have Established For Humans to Follow

Leave one pair of your stinky shoes out per day for me to chew on. Stinky socks and underwear will do, too.

Husky puppy chew shoes

Do not dress me as you please. I prefer to be naked. Unlike you humans, I’m actually proud of my body

Strict Rules That Huskies Have Established For Humans to Follow

Banish the ridiculous plastic headpiece that you sometimes make me wear.

cone of shame

And water torture is ILLEGAL.

I may use whatever furniture I want, even if you’re already sitting on it.

sleeping positions

We shall never be apart, and I will always be by your side.

Husky and owner
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